If this is your first visit, welcome. Where the heck have you been? If not, maybe you noticed a change or twelve around here. I found a new layout I love (coffee and swirly décor? What's not to like!), even if there is a giant life sized pen. I decided a new layout needed a few refreshed perks, so I went all go-go gadget on my page and here's the new look. However, almost everything I do has a reason behind it. And sometimes it even makes sense! Last night, it was Nora Ephron.
I was watching an interview with Nora Ephron last night. She made this little side comment, "everything is copy*" and I ever so eloquently said, "huh?" As she explained I suddenly realized, she nailed it! Me. In three little words, she described how I think about almost everything. This (whatever your "this" is) all seems terrible right now, but someday it will make a very funny story. Not everyone thinks that way. I won't claim that it's always easy, but I can tell you it makes life easier. It's how I keep a positive attitude when I just shouldn't and how I can laugh the day after I get a
pork chop rubbed on me. Because all this mess right now? It will pass. Time will heal. You will laugh again. Sometimes you'll get to laugh tomorrow and sometimes it will take much longer, but it will all be okay. The story telling part of those little words isn't for everyone.
Natalie, Shine, and I have chatted about this many times over IM (or wine, or beer, or dancing). We all think in stories. Not that I know what that means or if it's even abnormal, but I never think "I went on this date and it didn't go well". I catalogue every detail. I sit back and watch, almost from an outside perspective. Words are my pictures, my memories, and my comfort when everything else seems to be falling apart.
So that's why I write this little blog. These stories are little insights into my world. It's the copy of my life. Thank you for reading these rambles and rants. Thank you for helping me remember that one day, this will all make for a great laugh. It makes the tears, the heart ache, and the randomness of it all seem so much more tolerable.
Until last night, I didn't have a drop of inspiration. Literally, nothing. I couldn't create a funny or creative line in my head for days. Then I popped in a DVD, watched the special features, and found a few little words that perked this little road I'm on right up. Thanks again Nora! So my point… yes, there IS a point. Open your eyes whenever you can and find the laughter going on around you. It's there no matter what you're going through or how crazy your life seems. Just take a minute to step back and see it, you might just find yourself... inspired.
*You can watch/read her explanation
here. Who doesn't love an 80's flashback? Oh, the hair.
I like the new layout...aside from the pen.
Life is so much easier when you realize that it's all just making a story. Well, sort of. Sometimes. Okay, it may suck anyway, but at least now we'll have a record of it!
I love the new layout. You are going to have to show me how to do this. My family constantly jokes about writing a book on all the things that have happened in our lives.
I like this blog Apple!
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