30 improvements before the big 3-0!

We've (me and the mouse in my pocket) covered this, but I am an extremist. I'm trying VERY hard to keep it in check, with the constant yelling help of a few great friends. However, to accomplish anything in my life… I need goals. I was a competitive ice skater for most of my life and working towards no "end" goal makes little sense to me. I admire those that can. I'm just not one of them. Goals, lists, and future accomplishments make me a very, very happy lady. The problem? I always set unrealistic goals that lead to failure. Lately I've read and discussed, ad nauseum, the benefits of small attainable goals in any life change. I've never set small goals because I don't see them as accomplishments. Also, I haven't had much success with change. These two things could be related, no. So last night, little miss Capricorn took control. A controlling Capricorn. Shocker. That ain't news no more.

You should also know, I'm a numbers GEEK. If I can get numbers to mold to my goals, we reached a version of nirvana in my little world.

Last night's internal dialogue:

"Gofahne, get a grip. You've already accomplished a lot in a short couple of weeks. How do you keep this going and NOT freak the eff out? Lifestyle change woman, lifestyle. NOT quick fix. You're about to be 29, so what if you took the next year to improve your life health wise? I like it! I've already made 6 small changes in the past couple of weeks, I'll list those (because who doesn't love to start a list with things ALREADY checked off?). That leaves 24 more. There are 55 weeks until I'm 30, minus the two Christmas weeks, one more TG week next year, and the week of my 29th birthday (because let's be real, I'm not doing ANYTHING healthy on those weeks) = 51 weeks. 51? Not prime, divisible by three, perfection. So for 17 of the remaining goals, I'll make one small change every 3 weeks (just enough time to create a habit – tell me this wasn't destiny). Each change will build on the other changes. Then that leaves me with 7 slightly bigger goals. What's a list without overall goals as well? Voila! You have the Gofahne list of 30 improvements before the big 3-0!!*"

I was planning to keep all of this to myself, but my awesome co-worker suggested posting my little list would make people laugh, possibly inspire, and be a super fun blog. Not a bad thought. So here it is… the starting list. Every time I make a new goal, I'll update the list and notate the accomplishment before it. Then we'll see where I end up in a year. Anyone else excited? No? Just me? That will work!
  1. Eat GH healthy soup a few times a week – habit formed 11/27
  2. Move my butt more – habit formed 11/27
  3. Drink more water – habit formed 11/27
  4. No alcohol for two weeks until Shine's birthday fiesta! - had 2.5 glasses of wine during the two week period (full disclosure: in one evening); good enough for me as of 12/10
  5. Workout 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week – started 11/30, goal date 12/12
  6. Bring my lunch to work 4/5 days during the week – started 11/30, goal date 12/12
  7. Add some form of resistance or non-cardio training into workouts, 3 times per week – started 12/13, goal date 01/16  
    23. Dec 5th, 2010- Dec 31st goal – TBD
    24-26. (3) other overall health improvement goals
    27. Complete P90X at some point throughout the year
    28. Complete a 10k run
    29. Lose 30 pounds by the big 3-0
    30. Wear "the" jeans on my 30th birthday

"The" jeans are my happy jeans. Every girl has them tucked away in her closet. So I thought… great 30th birthday present to myself!

Enjoy a laugh or twelve about my crazy and then "look forward" to my little journey over the next year. I am! I've left plenty of room for more time if a habit proves harder to form than just three weeks allows and I'm excited about what I could learn from this!

Anything you've wanted to change about you that a crazy fun list might help?

*Seriously, spend a day in my head and you'd be exhausted.


shine said...

I actually don't have a pair of "the" jeans tucked away in my closet. I throw things away. And by "throw away," I obviously mean "donate to Goodwill." I swear.

I'm excited about the plan. I'd be so exhausted from making that plan that I would have to rest for a week just to get over it. But my sister would be proud!

Christie said...

That sounds like an awesome plan, and an attainable one, way to take baby steps there!!
By the way, I have more than just a pair of jeans I would like to get back into, hahaha

Graygrrrl said...

What is GH soup? It sounds scientific.

As you know, I am a list maven as well. I am the antithesis of you though, because I can only set short term goals. The long term ones languish at the bottom of scraps of paper that eventually make it into the trash. I think you should add your awesome reading goals to this list. I am so proud of your accomplishments last year, you should keep it up and put it to paper!

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